Monday, February 9, 2009

Time to Post Again!

Well, here I am again, working so faithfully to fulfill my New Year's Resolution! Today, something amazing happened to me. I got an email from the editors of a journal asking me to submit the article that I presented at a conference to a journal. Now, this is a taste of what I've been waiting for in my career. I've been waiting to be an important, sought-after person for a long time and my day has finally come! Well, maybe I'm exaggerating the importance of me, but it does feel good to be recognized. I have no idea how they found about the article or why they contacted me, but I don't really care. I'm excited that someone wants to know what I know. I'm going to print out that email and frame it I think.

The best part about this story is not that they contacted me, but I realized today that being "an expert" isn't the pinnacle that I've made it out to be. I don't want to downplay my excitement about this opportunity, but I am elated that I finally recognize that success in my career is not the most important thing in life. I am really grateful to God for helping me to figure that out and also for the chance to get published:)

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