Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Class Reunion

This past weekend was my 10 year class reunion. I have to admit I was a little nervous about it. First, I helped organize it and we weren't sure anyone was going to show up. What happened to the RSVP fo goodness sakes? Second, I'm pregnant. That meant two things to me, 1) there would be no booze for me, and 2) I couldn't wow people with my hotness. I'm slightly kidding about the hot part, but I do look much different than I did in high school and I always imagined being able to show off at my 10 year reunion and make people jealous.

Last year, when looking hot at my reunion was a real possibility, I got excited to have a reunion. I even thought about what I could wear to it to show off. Then, I got pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I am ecstatic to be pregnant, but all my old insecurities came back when I realized I'd be 15 weeks pregnant at my high school reunion. Then, it really hit me that I could be fat again and I'd have to face all those people WITHOUT drinking. I got seriously worried.

It turns out, that I didn't need alcohol. I didn't need to worry. And, I look awesome at 15 weeks pregnant. So, that stupid fantasy that I've had for 15 years about wanting all my classmates to be jealous of me, well, it may not have happened, but who cares? I have a lot to envy and it's not just how I look! I'm very blessed to have a wonderful husband, a great job, a nice house, and a baby on the way. I feel strangely vindicated about high school now. I was really almost bitter about my years at Orchard Farm for a really long time, but I think I finally figured out that high school is high school. I can't let old demons haunt the future, so it's really time to let those go for good. Although, I wish it wouldn't have taken me so long to figure that out, I'm glad I have.

It was great to see a lot of old friends. I had a lot of fun. I wish all my classmates the best of luck in the future! Maybe they'll learn how to RSVP for 15.

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