Sunday, May 10, 2009

Old Friends

I am very thankful that I've had the opportunity to travel to such neat places this spring with my work. I wish that I could say that I love my job and I wouldn't want to be doing any other kind of work, but I am thankful to have a pretty good job working with great people. Getting to travel around has helped me to recognize and appreciate how lucky I really am. I have been working on a research study for about 2 years about a topic that I love-fitness and disease prevention. Although, I am pretty sure I'm ready to wrap this puppy up, I am really grateful for the experiences I've had through the study. I've met a lot of really interesting doctors and nurses from all over the country who truly are trying to help patients. I've also gotten to visit quite a few places that I've never been before and gotten to visit friends who are now scattered around the country.
I just got back from Seattle where I got to visit my friend Heather (Cooper) Wade. Hanging out with her and her husband made me really think about and appreciate all the amazing people that I know. However, I also realized that I need to do a better job keeping in touch with my friends! I readily admit that I stalk people via Facebook and their blogs, but I don't actually CALL them to see what is going on in their lives! I really need to change that!

Here's an example of what I mean, Heather got married last September and I only met her husband at their wedding. I only found out that she had a boyfriend after they had been together for several months because she wrote about a trip they took on her blog. When I went to their wedding, I didn't even know how they ended up dating. In fact, I only know the story of "them" because I asked them this past weekend. p.s. I think Mike is pretty great. Although I was certain that if he ended up with Heather, he had to be, it was confirmed this past weekend. I'm really happy that my friend found someone who makes her so happy!

When I think about how I really don't know very much about some of my very favorite people's lives, it makes me pretty sad. So, I've resolved to do a better job keeping in touch. I made a resolution in January (besides writing on this blog weekly) to keep in better touch with my high school friends and I honestly think that I've improved. So, I have high hopes that I can improve communication with my college friends too.

1 comment:

Heather and Mike said...

I am looking through your blog for a preggo picture of you, and I just re-read this. I love and miss you Angie. Let's catch up SOON!!!!