Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Health Care Reform

I've invited my friend Aaron Bonham to be a guest author on my blog to discuss health care reform. Aaron is a Canadian living in the United States and I think that we all deserve to hear a perspective of health care in Canada that isn't from the TV news or some crazy person who barely knows where Canada is on a map. We've have heard horror stories about the Canadian health care system over and over, but I honestly don't really believe that is the norm. So, I've invited him to discuss his experiences with the Canadian health care system and other thoughts on reform in this country. I really respect his opinion and he's done a lot of research on this topic. I hope you enjoy reading his blogs!

By the way, here are a few more links to NPR stories that I've heard and think that others should hear!

This is an interview with a former insurance executive who discusses the insurance industry's PR efforts to derail reforms efforts (both in the early nineties and now).

Here's some humor from Brian Unger, a satirist. He's funny.

Oh, I knew I liked Teddy Roosevelt and not just because he cared about the environment. Here is a story about the history of the universal health insurance debate in this country.

How much do insurance companies make? Compare the way insurance companies calculate and report versus how economists calculate and report.

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