In case you don't like to read from bottom to top, here's a quick synopsis of the past 3.5 weeks. On my birthday I found out I was pregnant with Baby Peanut (Sean and my nickname). However, this pregnancy wasn't meant to be (whatever that means). I had a miscarriage and then had a D&C one week ago. This has been a tough few weeks, but as I mentioned in my previous post, I believe that gratitude while facing setbacks is more important than thanking God for the things that come easily. Although, I definitely couldn't find my gratitude right away, I want to take a second to acknowledge it now.
Baby Peanut: Thank you for clearly showing me how to let go of expectations and care about something beyond myself. I finally stopped caring about the things that I've almost let destroy my life. Thank you for showing me how a different role could so easily become my most important priority. I'll be forever grateful for the time you were with me and always sorry I couldn't meet you. Love, Mom