Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hello Spring!

Yes, It's the first day of Spring and this is my deck.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Jesus Bread

One of my favorite things about Lent is parish fish fries.  I'm not Catholic, but my husband is, so I've adopted the not-eating-fish-on-Friday ritual as my own.  I did this for two reasons really.  One, I love rituals and traditions.  Second, I really like fried fish, so it's a win-win situation for me to join the club of Friday fish-eaters.

This evening at the parish fish fry, I saw the most amazing piece of food artwork I have ever seen-Jesus Bread.  No, not communion wafers, bread made in the shape of Jesus.  I wanted to purchase this loaf so that I could enjoy the body of Christ at home but, Jesus is not for sale.  According to the sales girl, the bread is actually very old, made when they first started this sale and preserved.

Can you imagine the skill that it takes to make Jesus bread.  I can't even make regular bread.  If you are interested in Jesus bread, check out St. Michael the Archangel Friday fish fry during Lent.  Added bonus, this parish fish fry has smoked salmon and fried shrimp, seriously.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hey Blog, What's Up?

Hello Blog,
Well, I've done it again.  I've ignored you and I'm sorry.  I don't have a good excuse for it either. 
I promise I'll write again soon.